
Better Sleep, For Health

If you’re not sleeping…you’re not alone. Research says that we live in a sleep deprived society. Lack of sleep can have serious adverse implications to your health, wellness and your ability to be productive and effective in the workplace. Poor sleep can lead to decreased energy, an inability to focus and make decisions. Lack of sleep can also create unproductive moods which in turn can lead to a lack of civility at the office, and a reduced ability to supervise and mentor effectively. New research also indicates a strong correlation between sleep deprivation and a range of health issues.

This practical and relevant session highlights the common causes of sleep disturbances and provides proven strategies for promoting good sleep and a healthier lifestyle.

In this session you will:

  • Understand the connection between stress, sleep and health issues
  • Identify lifestyle and environmental factors that affect good sleep
  • Identify behaviours and thoughts that are disrupting to your sleep
  • Learn strategies for ensuring quality sleep
  • Experience a sleep-inducing relaxation technique
For more information about this workshop, call us at
416-999-9178 or email