
Supporting Workplace Health & Wellbeing

I was thrilled to speak with Shelley Appleby Ostroff on her podcast XL Legal, a podcast devoted to Practice Excellence and Wellness Tips for Lawyers.

We discussed a number of areas such as:
• The impact of associate well-being on a law firm
• The role law firm leaders play in fostering a culture of well-being
• How law firms can support their associates health and well-being and more…

I hope you enjoy the conversation here.

#wellbeing #legalprofession #lawyerwellbeing #workplaceculture

Marla Warner

Marla Warner is a speaker, consultant and coach who focuses on resilience, well-being, and supporting organizations and individuals to flourish. She has been creating and developing workshops and training programs for over 25 years in public, private, academic and health-care sectors. Marla is a Certified Positive Psychology Coach, a Certified practitioner in Applied Positive Psychology, she holds a B.SC. in Kinesiology, and brings extensive background and experience in Applied Mindfulness practices.